Investing in financial markets can be done by directly selecting financial instruments or a portfolio of financial instruments in the form of investment funds.
If you want to invest, but:
- you lack the experience of investing directly in financial markets
- you have no inclination or time to research the financial markets
- you want to invest even in small amounts
You can then select one of Raiffeisen Invest Investment Funds.
What are investment funds?
Investment funds are created as a group of assets, which is invested in various financial instruments such as deposits, treasury bills, bonds, shares, etc. These assets are managed by a team of professionals with long experience in the field of investment.
The funds offer investment and diversification alternatives through defined strategies, which are made known to the investor in advance.
Investors in the fund can be individuals or institutional investors. Each owns a certain number of shares that represents its share in the fund’s investment portfolio.
Raiffeisen Invest offers investors four investment funds in Lek and Euro:
Raiffeisen Invest funds in Lek:
- Raiffeisen Prestige:
- The fund assets are invested in the domestic market in short-term to medium-term debt securities of the Albanian Government.
- Prestige Fund has a low risk profile and SRRI 2
- In order to achieve the fund’s performance objectives, investors are recommended a minimum period of stay in the Fund of 1 year.
- Raiffeisen Vision:
- The fund assets are invested in the domestic market in medium to long term debt securities of the Albanian Government.
- The Vision Fund has an average risk profile and SRRI 3
- In order to achieve the fund’s performance objectives, investors are recommended a minimum period of stay in the Fund of 3 years.
Raiffeisen Invest funds in Euro:
- Raiffeisen Invest Euro:
- The fund’s assets are invested in debt securities in international markets.
- Raiffeisen Invest Euro Fund has an average risk profile and SRRI 3
- The investment time horizon is recommended to be over 2 years, in order to increase the chances for an optimal return on investment.
- Raiffeisen Mix:
- The assets of the fund are invested in international markets in debt securities and shares, offering opportunities for diversification and higher returns than other funds, which invest only in debt securities.
- The Raiffeisen Mix Fund has an average risk profile and SRRI 4
- The investment time horizon is recommended to be at least 5 years, in order to increase the chances for an optimal return on investment.