Info about company

Raiffeisen Invest sh.a is the leading company in the Albanian asset management sector, with a clear focus on investors care, transparency and the application of business best practices

The company is headquartered at:  Rr. “Tish Daija”, Kompleksi Kika 2, Albania.

The company’s sole shareholder is Raiffeisen Bank sh.a.

  • Mission

    To offer investors interesting and suitable investment alternatives and to promote the development of the Albanian capital market by focusing on:

    • Knowing our clients and orienting them towards suitable investment decision-making,
    • High-quality management of their assets with the objective of satisfactory returns on investment,
    • Strong corporate governance
    • Creation of new investment options, while simultaneously working on enhancing clients’ understanding and knowledge regarding investment funds in Albania

    Values :

    Integrity:  We put the interests of our clients first, making their goals our goals.This is our ethical and professional obligation-and the right way to act. Integrity is the core of our investment process, customers relationships and everything we do.

    Responsibility: We act with responsability towards our investors, each other and the community. Alone and together we are responsible for every decision and action we take.

    Learning: All our staff is in a continuos learning process in order to achieve the highest level of professionalism and best assets managment practices.

    Collaboration: At Raiffeisen Invest we have created a warm environment where we collaborate, communicate and support each other through mutual trust and respect.

    Disipline: Disipline is what guides us in every process of analysis, research and investment. We adhere to a consistent and disciplined process, ensuring that every decision is taken based on judgment, without being distracted by the media and the mentality of the crowd. This focus enables us to make rational decisions at a time when investors often make emotional decisions.

  • Vision

  • Values

    Integrity:  We put the interests of our clients first, making their goals our goals.This is our ethical and professional obligation-and the right way to act. Integrity is the core of our investment process, customers relationships and everything we do.

    Responsibility: We act with responsability towards our investors, each other and the community. Alone and together we are responsible for every decision and action we take.

    Learning: All our staff is in a continuos learning process in order to achieve the highest level of professionalism and best assets managment practices.

    Collaboration: At Raiffeisen Invest we have created a warm environment where we collaborate, communicate and support each other through mutual trust and respect.

    Disipline: Disipline is what guides us in every process of analysis, research and investment. We adhere to a consistent and disciplined process, ensuring that every decision is taken based on judgment, without being distracted by the media and the mentality of the crowd. This focus enables us to make rational decisions at a time when investors often make emotional decisions.