Raiffeisen Invest Euro
Fund Information
Fund objective

The objective of the Invest Euro Fund is to be liquid and increase investment income in the medium term, while preserving the level of capital.

Investment policy

The fund’s assets are invested in 2 categories: Debt Securities and Money Market / Cash Equivalents. The fund invests in the following financial instruments:

  • Up to 60% of its assets in government debt securities, issued or guaranteed by the Government of the Republic of Albania.
  • Up to 20% in debt securities issued or guaranteed by other sovereign countries traded on regulated markets or official stock exchanges of EU states or any other state permitted by
  • Up to 80% in short-term bank deposits, cash in current accounts and Reverse REPO transactions in function of liquidity management
  • Up to 30% of assets in debt securities issued by local authorities or commercial companies, tradable on regulated markets or stock exchanges in the Republic of Albania


The fund invests in other mutual fund units as another form of diversification.

Risk and Reward Profile

Based on the historical data of the fund’s returns over the last 5 years, the estimated risk profile of the fund belongs to category 3 of the synthetic risk and reward indicator (SRRI=3).

Low Risk
Lower potential return

High Risk
Higher potential return



The synthetic risk and reward indicator corresponds to an integer, used to rank the Fund’s risk profile on a scale of 1 to 7, based on increasing level of volatility. The indicated risk category is not guaranteed and may change over time.

Other characteristics
Currency EURO
Minimum recommended investment horizon 2 year
Minimum investment amount 250 Euro
Minimum amount in case of investment plans 30 Euro
Management fee Up to 1.3% p.a.
Entry fee 0.00%
Exit fee 0.00%
Total ongoing fees (includes other fees charged to the fund in accordance with its prospectus) Max 1.6% p.a.



Why invest in Raiffeisen Invest Euro Fund?


  • Opportunity to acquire satisfactory returns by increasing the value of invested assets
  • Diversification opportunity
  • Flexibility:
  • you can increase the invested amount at any time
  •         you can choose to invest through an investment plan: automatic, periodic payments and in small amounts
  • you can ask to redeem your units at any time: Raiffeisen Invest repays you within 7 days from the date of the withdrawal request from the Fund.
  • Professional management of your assets done by Raiffeisen Invest’s qualified staff.
  • Transparency: Access to your online account and investment monitoring at any time.
  • Raiffeisen Invest sh. a – part of the Raiffeisen group.